I'm never posting on this board again. I've seen from other threads and, now, experienced first-hand, these girls are assholes. Seriously, do these women realize that they're speaking to another human being? Do they have hearts? It's one thing to give someone your opinion, and another completely to ridicule them for their ideas.

All I wanted to know was whether or not I should spend $200 on butterflies. It's kind of a lot of money for something that would be over in less than a minute. I researched all possible ways to do this, and decided to go with a local wildflower center, which was the most humane method. I already covered all the moral and humane issues surrounding butterfly releases. They wouldn't be shipped, refrigerated, unfed, boxed individually, etc etc. The only "bad" part was that they would be cooped up in an oversized tulle-wrapped box for less than an hour. 

And so these women decided that I was the most evil and horrible person on Earth for having such an idea, for ensuring the butterflies would be safe and comfortable but would be in a box for one hour. And they were not ashamed to voice their opinions in the rudest manner possible. I wouldn't be so offended if they hadn't been so demeaning. As one poster stated, "It's as though you care more about the butterflies feelings than the OP's!" 

So maybe it was a bad idea. I tried my best to keep it as humane as possible, but live animals shouldn't be used as props. They're right about that. But geez, it's only an idea, and I'm still a human being. The least you could do is treat me with a little respect and dignity. I understand that you have your opinions, but can't you tell them to me without calling me "a horrible person"? Yeah, seriously! Several women called me a horrible person for AN IDEA that I had.

And I'm not the first they've done this to! Once or twice a week, someone has an idea and asks what others think about it on the Budget board. And these other women attack the OP as though she's personally threatened them! I swear, TheKnot should take control of that board... Women post on that board to get advice, not to be ridiculed. And, aren't those in the rules, anyway? To be respectful with your remarks? Go be a bitch over in Snarky Brides; that's what they made that board for.

Anyway, I'm just venting. Luckily, a few other women saw how ridiculously rude the posts were becoming and came to my defense. That felt pretty good, knowing that there are decent people on that board.
8/3/2011 12:37:04 am

People are jerks. I couldn't believe how much they freak out on others there. One girl asked what everyone's problems with pick-ups on wedding dresses were and all the other posters were like "it makes you look dirty, like a down comforter, dumpy, trashly' blah blah blah. Another girl had posted that she was having problems with her mother - and people yelled at her! They sided with her crazy mother saying that the OP was the crazy selfish bitchy one. I came to her defense saying 'She was just asking for advice about her mother who is arguing with her! what am I missing here?' and they started yelling at me. The DIY board people have been the nicest. every other board for the most part are assholes. haha. enough of my rant.

8/19/2011 03:16:23 pm

I am sorry, some people can be very negative on those boards. But don't worry, it is your day so it really doesn't matter how they feel about the butterflies :D


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