So. Wedding planning has been getting on my nerves lately. Mainly due to asshole bridesmaids. Hey, MOH, can you come help me address invitations? I really would like your help...Yeah, sure! I'll come over this Saturday and we'll do whatever you want to do!...Then when Saturday rolls around, I don't hear anything from her...she doesn't call, she doesn't show....This has happened 5 times. I've learned to not get my hopes up. 

Same with my BM. I haven't heard from her in a few months. She's got family problems...which are now interfering with my wedding problems. I've been having second thoughts about my dress selection. I made plans with my mom, to try on my dress, stress-free for the first time. Both times I've had it on, someone else altered my good mood and I've never been able to enjoy having *my* dress on. Therefore, I've been having second thoughts about it truly being *my* dress.

So I spend 3 hours on my hair and makeup, trying my best to replicate what I imagine looking like on my wedding day. I'm in a fantastic mood. I call my parents house, letting them know I'll be on my way soon....and start crying as my dad informs me that my mom had to cater to my sister. Again. My sister couldn't possibly go pick her kids up from school, because she was in the middle of an AA meeting. Yeah, the meeting is more important than her children. And of course, she puts my mom on a guilt trip, so my mom can't refuse driving across town to pick up her grandchildren...when my selfish sister is only 5 minutes away.

She ruined my dress shopping the first time, by storming out of the salon because nobody's paying attention to her. And she ruined it again, by being a little attention whore. Sure, my mom would be home in a few hours, but by then, my curls will have dropped, my makeup smudged, and my good mood demolished. She's getting on my last nerve. Both of them are. I'm very close to eliminating my bridal party. I'm not sure if it's worth the stress anymore...The job of the bridesmaids is to keep me stress-free; these selfish, forgetful, self-centered jerks are only adding to my stress. I don't even know if I can trust them to do what I need them to do on May 26th. They'll be too preoccupied with themselves, to take care of me....I feel like I'd be better off just doing everything myself. I already have!

Anyway. I tried on the dress. But  was still pretty depressed by my sister's actions, so it affected how I felt in the dress. My mom tried her best to make me feel good, by saying loving things like "This dress is so stunning; Mr. Margarita will be captivated; It looks perfect on you; You truly look like a bride; It's just the right amount of sexy and traditional; I can see you walking down the aisle in this..." And it worked a little. But the sadness and disappointment was still there. I still am not 100% happy with the dress, mostly because I'm not 100% happy in general. Maybe when I go to get it altered, then I'll have that "Ah-ha!" moment and maybe I'll come to tears and maybe I'll be able to envision walking down the aisle in this dress, like a bride is supposed to. 

Well, here it is. This is exactly what I'll look like on my wedding day (except the hair will look better). Here, I'm wearing my dress, my veil, my tiara, my necklace, my earrings...

Seeing the pictures, after FI has made me feel better, and after I've edited them all pretty, makes me feel good. So, I'm sticking with this one. It does look lovely on me...

Now then...I've got to make a tough decision...whether or not to keep my BP. One's already dropped out, two remain. To keep, or not to keep. That is the question...
Oh man, this blog has been gathering dust, hasn't it? Sheesh, so much has been going on and I haven't documented it! Let's start with the most recent - our first practice dance!
Well, we waltzed (is that a word?) for the very first time, for exactly two minutes, in our kitchen, at 12:30 in the morning!

We decided on our first dance song about a month ago (Can't Take My Eyes Off of You - Frankie Valli) and I was debating about doing a waltz, the foxtrot, or choreography. Mr. Margarita refuses to do any "boy band type of crap", and it's not in our budget anyway. So scratch choreography. The debate inside my head continued between the foxtrot and the waltz, until Mr. 'Rita voluntarily (!) viewed some youtube videos of both types of dancing, and made my decision for me! 

The waltz it is! When he actually pauses his video game to look up something, and instantaneously says which he likes better, I go with it because he NEVER gives me a real opinion unless he really wants/likes something.

So that was about a week ago. I showed him a PDF of the basic box step (we'll eventually graduate to a turning box step), and tonight we actually practiced! Yeah, it was brief, but it's a start! 
This is the woman's steps. The man's is mirrored.
I thought I would be better than him but......I'm not. I looked at our feet, while he did it the right way by looking forward. And I stepped on his toes (luckily we were barefoot). And I keep confusing which foot should go forward. For those who don't know, it's back with your right foot, together, step to the right, together. Then you step forward with your left foot, together, step to the left, together. And switching feet is where I get mixed up. I keep trying to step forward with my right foot. And meanwhile, Mister Self-Proclaimed Two-Left-Feet is doing it right! WTF? I'm proud of him though. And we've got 9 months to practice!

Yay for progress!
In other news...I also moved our groomswoman over to bridesmaid, since Mr. 'Rita has chosen two more groomsmen. So now we have 3 girls on my side and 3 guys on his. Cool.

In more other news....
And I got extremely burned out on paper flowers for the centerpieces. So my dear Mom suggested we do real carnations instead. We made a mock-up (with pom-poms instead of carnations, because nobody has them in stock right now) and took it over to Texas Old Town to see how it looks. I think it's great! And seeing the tablescape really floored me. All my hard work, all my research, all my comparative shopping, MY VISION has finally all come together! See?
Of course, the tablecloth won't be wrinkled on the Big Day. We plan to buy some shorter vases, and trim the curly willow by about 5 inches. A few more pictures under DIY ---> Decor. Goodnight, my Knotties!